DepEd Releases Results of New Batch of SHS Voucher Program Application

The Department of Education (DepEd) released the results of the second batch of the Senior High School (SHS) Voucher Program (SHS-VP) applications. The list also includes applicants who received “reviewed for further evaluation” status last May 25.

All SHS Voucher Program claimants who completed and submitted their applications from April 3 to 27 may now see the results and download their Qualified Voucher Applicants’ (QVA) certificates (formerly Qualified Voucher Recipient or QVR certificate) by logging in to their accounts on the Online Voucher Application Portal (OVAP).

Those who submitted their applications manually may also view their results simply by supplying their First Name, Middle Name (if applicable) and Last Name. You can check the results here.

The QVA certificates would be submitted to non-DepEd or private senior high school the applicant has enrolled in. The vouchers are only valid for school year 2018-2019. Students who are finishing Grade 10 by March 2018 are the ones eligible to be part of the Senior High School Voucher Program.

Maximum applicable voucher amount (in PHP per student per school year)

Location of non‐DepEd SHS Category of QVR Voucher Amount Voucher Amount if the SHS is a LUC or SUC
National Capital Region (NCR) Categories A or B 22,500 11,250
Categories C, D, E 18,000
Highly urbanized cities (HUCs) outside of NCR Categories A or B 20,000 10,000
Categories C, D, E 16,000
All other locations Categories A or B 17,500 8,750
Categories C, D, E 14,000

Students who finish Grade 10 in public schools are automatically beneficiaries of the Voucher Program. Same for students in private schools who are part of the Education Service Contracting (ESC) program of DepEd.

Meanwhile, students from private schools who are not ESC grantees and those who took or will take the Alternative Learning System (ALS) Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Test and the Philippine Education and Placement Test (PEPT) in the current school year may apply for the Voucher Program through OVAP.

For more information, please refer to the DepEd Order No. 60, series of 2017, or the Guidelines on the Application for the Senior High School Voucher Program for School Year 2018-2019.

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