Mandatory computer subject for elementary and high school student

In this fast changing world, where almost everything revolves around technology, computer knowledge and skills is a must. This is why our law maker sought to pass bills that will help the Filipino people to cope up and adapt with all of these technological changes and use it to advance as a society. One senator insisted on going high-tech, Senator Sonny Angara.

Senator Sonny Angara has proposed a law mandating the inclusions of Computer subject in the elementary and high school curriculum in both public and private schools.

According to him, Senate Bill No. 1803 which he filed on the 15th of May is “to breath life” into the basic law of the land that states that “the state shall establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of education relevant to the people and society. He said that in this era of advance science, more and more countries rely on the usefulness of computer technology in their respective developmental pursuits and the computer knowledge has already evolved from a fad to an absolute necessity in the real world.

In an interview with Senator Angara, he explained that the demands have been increasing in tremendous portions for computer efficient personnel or employee in most of the professions and business centers.

“Considering these changing times towards the advancement of science and technology, there is an imperative need for us to meet and adapt to these demands. Considering these changing times towards the advancement of science and technology, there is an imperative need for us to meet and adapt to these demands. Now more than ever is the time to train our children towards the demands of the future. We must prepare them for the vicious battle for survival in the next decades to come by providing them a legacy of a stable educational foundation lest we deem to be oblivious and unconcerned on the future of our children, the leaders for tomorrow. The mandatory instruction of computer is the first step toward this direction,” He further explained.

Source: Politics

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