The reason why you don’t know your passion

In this world of computer and technology, more and more people are finding it difficult to know where and in what field are they most passionate about. Majority of people never find their passion so they just do what expected of them to do. Like, taking law course or anything actually that does not really make them happy.

Since happiness comes cheap in this generation, people are getting more and more confused if they really like what they are doing. You can get happiness from surfing the internet, you can feel happiness from the amount of likes you get in Facebook, you can feel happiness in binge watching Tv series, or for ordering pizza. All of these mediocre things that we do prevent us from truly finding out what is our passion, to where we are passionate about because these things does not promote creation.

Being able to create something out of nothing, or growing something out of seeds, building something, or enriching something is the root of passion because these activities promotes labor and labor guarantees satisfaction. The feeling of truly being satisfied cannot be achieved by doing mediocre things like staying in the net for too long. Yes, it can make you feel happy for a short period of time but it can never satisfy you nor give you that energy or drive to be someone worthwhile.

This is the reason why many Centennials ask themselves or other people why they do not have any idea about what they want to do with their life. They are having trouble in finding out what is the real source of their happiness.

Some people think that passion is predetermined at birth. That’s where they’re wrong because passion comes from many things that satisfy you. One common mistake is that people assume that you can only be passionate about one thing but no, you can have multiple passions if only you have the guts and courage to ditch all the artificial happiness and go out there and search.

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