The science of waking up early

Waking up early is a common struggle for many people and since most work and schools starts early morning, this struggle post a big challenge for the late riser. We all know that there are two types of people in this world. One, those who sleeps early, wakes up early, and can maintain this routine, the early birds. Second, those who are late sleepers, wakes up late, and who can never have the will get up at around 5 A.M, those are night owls.

So, all night owls out there, we need to change this habit. I understand that it’s not that simple. But here are some tips that can help you change your body clock. Just a reminder before you proceed on reading this, if you are diagnosed with insomnia, then I’m not that sure that this may affect you, however I know that this will be helpful for you. So here it goes. Listed below are some tips in waking up early.

How to wake up early

  1. Track your sleep – First thing you need to do is track your sleeping habits. This will help you determine your sleeping pattern and you can use this as a basis in drawing up your sleep schedule.
  2. Minimize the distractionsBright light prevents you from sleeping. Turn the lights off, the tv, laptop, or smartphones. That way, you can give yourself ample time to prepare your mind to sleep.
  3. Grab a book – You have to understand that changing your sleeping habits will confuse your body clock at first. So if it’s way early than your usual sleeping time, don’t be tempted to open your phones and get a book instead, preferably fictions because if you read about school textbooks or business textbooks, your brain might go crazy and be active.
  4. Put the alarm clock away from you – To prevent you from snoozing or turning off your alarm clock before truly waking up, I suggest that you put it at the end of the room. That way you’ll have to leave the bed and wake your senses.
  5. Draw a sleep schedule – Now, this part is the most important. You need to establish a specific time for sleeping and waking up. That way, your body clock will adjust and follow your schedule automatically. Eventually, you will no longer need the help of an alarm clock because your body does the waking itself.

A gentle reminder, since your body is adjusting, you might feel weak and your energy will be low for some days before your body gets used to the pattern you set.

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