Attacks on Schools grows in an alarming rate

Deliberate attack on education have been increasing dramatically over the past years especially the attacks on higher educational personnel that are subjected to target killings, kidnapping, death and attack threats, violent repressions of educational protest, and harassment that harms, injures, or worse, kills many students all over the world.

According to the reports, more than 12,700 attacks happened between the years of 2013 to 2017. In these five (5) years, these attacks harmed over 21,000 students and educational personnel. Most of these attacks are reportedly intentionally harmful and deadly that really aims to kill students and educators.

The report includes a profile of over 41 countries suffered more or less five (5) attacks over the course of five (5) years and 28 countries that suffered a heavier harm during these years. Furthermore, 9 countries were attacked more than 1,000 times that harmed more than 1,000 students, teachers, professors, and many other education personnel.

The countries were; the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Israel/Palestine, Nigeria, the Philippines, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Meanwhile, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iraq, Israel/Palestine, Kenya, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, Somalia, Syria, Thailand, Ukraine, Venezuela and Yemen have suffered higher attacks than the first countries mentioned above and the countries with the highest numbers of attacks were; Bangladesh, Iraq, Syria and Yemen that includes intentional bombings, suicide bombings, gunmen that were deployed to attack colleges and universities as well as high school and grade schools.

For instance, in Kenya, the terrorist group called al-Shabaab killed more than 142 students and injured another 29 on April of 2015. These Somalian- based armed terrorist entered and attacked the Garissa University College being trigger happy and shooting students even in their sleep and taking other students as hostages before finally killing them.

These attacks are just a few of the reported incidents of terrorist groups that attack schools worldwide. However, in the start of the year 2018, more and more attacks are being reported even in the United States. These attacks happened so frequently, almost every week causing an uproar and threat to the public safety. This is why countries have raised maximum level of security and pleads the public to remain vigilant.

Source: University World News

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